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Sustainability: the GTB plant was visited and recorded.

Journalists from the Clarín newspaper arrived to the facility to interview personnel about energy generation from peanut shell.

On Friday, November 15th, a group of journalists and audiovisual producers visited the facilities of Lorenzati Ruetsch (LR) and Generación Ticino Biomasa (GTB)-TicinoBiomass Generation.

The purpose of the visit was to document and interview referents of the company about the generation of energy from the peanut shell thoroughly.

It is important to note that the article is part of a series of publications that are the result of the Grant of Gabo Foundation Solutions Journalism and the Solutions Journalism Network thanks to the support of the Tinker Foundation, institutions that promote the use of solutions journalism in Latin America

The note was published on Friday, December 13th and can be read completely through this link: